SHADES OF SLAVES by Author Unknown

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(Author Unknown)


Copyright 2024 DrkFetyshNyghts

"I wanna fuck you again now slut. Get back on your hands and knees like the good bitch dog you are. I'm gonna flood you with my cum, and then spank you again."
Oh, what'd happened to Bernard? Lindy had happened to him, that's what. He was like a bigger version of that wanking addict he'd become earlier in life. He had this power over a woman that'd fucked him over and that power had gone to his head. And now he was finding out that he could do all these things to her that he'd never dreamt of. And already he was thinking about the future. Already he was planning deeper perversions than just a spanking. And of course Lindy knew this. She was an expert at what she did. She knew the phases and she certainly knew what she was doing when she sucked Bernard into the place he was in now.
Her ass was on fire, and her thighs. But she sighed passionately as Bernard's thick cock slipped inside her again. She blew out her lips and welcomed that cock back inside her by squeezing it with her sex muscles. She was getting off, not on the abuse she was getting but from her power and knowing what she was doing. It just didn't look like that. Her flesh was hot and sore from the spanking, but Bernard didn't pay any heed to that. He just sank his cock into her from behind like he owned her.
At this point he was using her simply as friction to bring himself off. He'd built himself up enough and now he was ready to offload into her. In his mind he'd done all this himself without much help from Lindy. But that was the macho man over-thinking it. The reality was that Lindy had manipulated this scenario from start to finish. And now she was furthering it, knowing there was more to come yet.
"Dirty slut, you don't know what you did when you fucked me over do you?"
He was hissing and dribbling because his orgasm was so close, so near to spilling over.
"I'm sorry Sir, I'm so, sorry. I know I've been a bad girl. I've been so so bad. I'm sorry."
There she was drawing him in, agreeing with him, furthering the kink, and drawing out more of the monster in him, so that in the cold light of day he would feel guilty for this. But there was more to it than this. There was much more to it, he just didn't know it. He didn't have a clue was what he was being sucked into. But he soon would. For now, his cock was back inside Lindy where it belonged. And he was close to orgasm. He needed to cum now and Lindy wasn't going to stop him. She wanted to feel that seed leaving him and entering her because it was like the lifeblood she was sucking from him.