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The Summoning Stone

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The Summoning Stone


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Genres: Erotica, Paranormal

Available Formats to Download: MOBI EPUB PDF 

Somewhere in Southern Europe, Lieutenant Dan Kushna somehow survives a near-fatal gun battle with terrorists. But Dan is convinced that far more severe sanctions must be brought against such evildoers in the world. He's willing to stand up and fight for his convictions, come what may. After the battle, an old woman who also survives the horrific ordeal gives him a strange, pulsating red stone which she says will bring him protection and luck. However, Kushna is unaware that the bizarre stone is a direct portal to the underworld.......

Words: 15611

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Ebook Price: $2.00

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The Azubuike Sanction

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The Azubuike Sanction

Gargirls of Samral, The Sanctions Series, vol 2


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Genres: Erotica, Paranormal

Available Formats to Download: MOBI EPUB PDF 

This is Vol. 2 of The Gargirls Of Samral: The Sanctions Series. (It is recommended that you read Vol 1, "The Summoning Stone" first for a full understanding of the story background and the characters.)

In this sanctions story, Lieutenant Dan Kushna continues his otherworldly sexual hook-up with Kahl, the gorgeously erotic leader of The Gargirls of Samral. One night while watching the news, he becomes outraged after seeing a report about the evil actions of a vicious African terrorist named Azubuike.

Words: 5206

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Ebook Price: $1.45

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