STORY DESCRIPTION We create the Universe with our thoughts, just by being alive.We dream reality into existence, just as God dreams us into reality.So let's do the Universe a favour, and always keep at least one good thought.
Everything in this book I can validate as being true, as I have seen these things with my own eyes, not once, but many, many times. I am not a scientist of any kind. I am not affiliated with any groups, either political or religious. I have no political agenda. I have one belief: to deal only with reality. What I know is that a lie cannot live by itself, and so more lies have to be told over and over again, and soon, you have lost the entire world. Yes, the truth hurts. But it only hurts for one moment. And then? You are free.
Every culture on Earth shares the same history, all told in their own language, from their own point-of-view. But they are all telling the same story. And this is that story...