STORY DESCRIPTION Once more the best-selling author of erotica and dark books, Denise la Croix, has created a new Vampire story for her many followers of the Supernatural underworld. Dark Images is the second book in the trilogy of the Bound to Darkness series and once again features the famous, beautiful Vampire Slayer, Christal Dark and Victor Lane her business partner.
A Vampire hunter or slayer, is a character of fiction and folklore, and specializes in routing out and destroying rogue vampires and other creatures of the night. A Vampire hunter it is said usually has extensive knowledge also of other monstrous creatures. They have studied their weaknesses and powers and use this knowledge against them when they are looking for them. Sometimes Vampire hunters are often just humans with more than average knowledge about the Occult and indeed they are sometimes supernatural themselves, having super-human abilities. Usually these humans are born on a Saturday and they are called - Sabbatarians. Humans are not always aware of their existence and remember that not all vampires and creatures of the night are rogues.
Some BDSM, Male Dom, some non-consensual sex, erotic scenes not too hard.